سوال: "شرایط و مدارک لازم برای اثبات همخانه بودن در ایران ( common-low partner شریک زندگی) جهت تشکیل پرونده مشترک اخذ اقامت اکسپرس اینتری به چه صورتی است؟ "
پاسخ: مفهوم «کامن لا پارتنر» در حقوق ایران مورد شناسایی واقع نشده و بنابراین اثبات این موضوع بسیار دشوار خواهد بود. تعریف ارایه شده برای این اصطلاح در حقوق کانادا به شکل زیر است:
According to case law, the definition of a common-law partner should be read as “an individual who is (ordinarily) cohabiting.” After the one year period of cohabitation has been established, the partners may live apart for periods of time while still maintaining a common-law relationship. For example, a couple may have been separated due to illness or death of a family member, adverse country conditions (e.g. war, political unrest), or employment or education-related reasons, and therefore are not cohabiting at the time an application is submitted. Despite the break in cohabitation, a common-law relationship exists if the couple has cohabited continuously in a conjugal relationship in the past for at least one year and intend to do so again as soon as possible. There should be evidence demonstrating that both parties are continuing the relationship.
Sponsors and their common-law partners are required to complete and submit the form IMM 5532 (PDF, 2.21 MB) (Relationship Information and Sponsorship Evaluation) as part of their application. In addition, they may submit other evidence that they have been living together for at least one year. Additional information is found in the Basic Guide for sponsors and applicants and on the Document Checklist for common-law partners (PDF, 1.81 MB).
This situation is similar to a marriage where the parties are temporarily separated or not cohabiting for a variety of reasons, but still consider themselves to be married and living in a conjugal relationship with their spouse with the intention of living together as soon as possible.
اصطلاح conjugal relationship به رابطه زوجیت اشاره می کند که در حقوق کانادا و بعضی از سایر کشورها به طور قانونی امکان پذیر است در حالی که بخاطر غیرقانونی بودن این کار در ایران، اثبات آن بسیار دشوار خواهد بود.